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Backlink Checker & Backlink in SEO

So, Backlink is something very crucial part of SEO or Search Engine Off Page Optimization. Backlinks directly indicates upvotes or downvotes (sometimes) by different authority websites which implies authority of website. Let’s dig dipper about backlink and how to use Backlink Checker to learn about number of backlinks of a websites.

What is Backlink ?

In simple word backlink is a referral link from a different website which redirects to your website page when clicked on it. For example “Search Engine” – this is an anchor which lands to another website called “Google” when you click on this. So, that means Google has got a backlink from our website.

Kind of Links

Links are generally 2 types –

  1. External linking (Backlink i.e redirect links from different domains & pages to your own domain)
  2. Internal Linking (Links redirects to the same domain differrent web pages)

Quality of Backlinks

Now as we get to learn that backlinks have the power to promote or demote authority of your website which directly impacts your webpage ranking on search engine result pages link Google, Bing, Yandex etc.

High Authority Backlinks

If your own website domain got links from very reputed and high traffic news websites (NDTV, India Tv, Forbes), relevant niche blog website (Search Engine Land, Skyblogs Cricket) etc then these kind of link can improve your website authority and ranking both. it is quite hard to earn backlinks from High Authority websites but very helpful in SEO.

Low Authority Backlinks

These are easily available backlinks which will not impact website authority that much but could be helpful for gaining new website visibility in the internet. You will find many niche directory, business listing websites in the web to start.

Spammy Backlinks

Spammy backlinks are very bad for your website’s SEO. It can ruin your sites authority, website visibility in the search engines. Google advices to disavow spammy links with a throw backlink profile audit. You can contact me for your website’s deep backlink audit and get free from those spammy links.

Internal Links

Internal links can are those links which are made on the same domain to pass link juice inside one to other relevant web pages of your own website. Internal linking is a very important part of SEO which helps improve crawling and indexing of webpages around your website. internal links help improves website ranking.

Do-follow Links

“rel=dofollow” links indicates search bots to follow the link and pass link juice or authority to another linked site.

No-follow Links

“rel=nofollow” links indicates search bots to crawl the link but not to pass link juice or authority to another linked site.

Sponsored Links

rel=”sponsored” indicates a backlink created for sponsored, affiliate or paid links.

UGC Links

rel=”ugc” indicates the user-generated links like links on comments or forum posts.

Google does understand that buying and selling links is a normal part of the economy of the web for advertising and sponsorship purposes. It’s not a violation of Google’s policies to have such links as long as they are qualified with a rel="nofollow" or rel="sponsored" attribute value to the <a> tag.

Is Nofollow backlinks bad or has no value?

Does it mean no follow backlinks has no value? no there are other indicators as well. So whether it is nofollow or dofollow any backlink from a high authority has a good value.

Benefits of Backlinks

  1. Good Backlinks helps on gaining high authority
  2. Backlinks from relevant niche is more valuable. Like if a cricket website getting link from other sports or cricket website then that will be called a good backlink but if the same cricket website got a backlink from a food blog then that is not that relevelent so may not work.
  3. Helps building topical authority when’s gets backlinks from same niche sites.
  4. Backlinks with relevant anchor text helps increase better ranking chances for the target keyword via anchor links creation. Suppose if I want to rank for “SEO Training course” then I would create backlinks on other relevant websites with related primery and secondery keywords of “SEO Training”.
  5. Improves website visibility
  6. Helps in better crawling and indexing of webpages.

Challenges of Creating Backlinks for Websites

  1. It is very hard to get backlinks from high authority sites
  2. Many sites ask for money but it is illegal to buy backlinks which can give your site a manual penalty if found suspected. So, avoid link spam.

Demerit of Backlinks

  1. Buying backlink could lead to manual penalty by search engines link Google, Bing etc.
  2. Too much spammy links can spoil your websites authority completely.

Search engines link Google, Bing etc uses backlinks as an important factor in determining the relevancy of web pages. Any links that are intended to manipulate rankings in Search results may be considered link spam. This includes any behavior that manipulates links to your site or outgoing links from your site. The following are examples of link spam:

  • Buying or selling links for ranking purposes. This includes:
    • Exchanging money for links, or posts that contain links
    • Exchanging goods or services for links
    • Sending someone a product in exchange for them writing about it and including a link
  • Excessive link exchanges (“Link to me and I’ll link to you”) or partner pages exclusively for the sake of cross-linking
  • Using automated programs or services to create links to your site
  • Requiring a link as part of a Terms of Service, contract, or similar arrangement without allowing a third-party content owner the choice of qualifying the outbound link
  • Text advertisements or text links that don’t block ranking credit
  • Advertorials or native advertising where payment is received for articles that include links that pass ranking credit, or links with optimized anchor text in articles, guest posts, or press releases distributed on other sites. For example:There are many wedding rings on the market. If you want to have a wedding, you will have to pick the best ring. You will also need to buy flowers and a wedding dress.
  • Low-quality directory or bookmark site links
  • Keyword-rich, hidden, or low-quality links embedded in widgets that are distributed across various sites
  • Widely distributed links in the footers or templates of various sites
  • Forum comments with optimized links in the post or signature.

How to check your website’s backlink ?

So, there are different options to check your websites backlink. Please go through the points below to get an idea about backlink checker –

  1. Use Google Search Console for free to get idea about your websites backlink profile. On the left menu bar of GSC click on “Links” where you will get all details of your sites “External Links”, “Internal Links” both with in-depth details of “Top linking pages”, “Top Linking Sites” and “Top Linking Text” etc.
  2. You can also check Bing Web Master tool for free to get backlink profiles.
  3. Ahrefs is one of the very popular paid SEO tool for best ever Backlink Profile Audit which is used my many SEO experts in the industry.
  4. Semrush is another popular paid tool you can use to get your backlink profile audit.
  5. Apart from my mentioned sources there are few other backlink checker services available on the internet that you can research

Are you looking for best Backlink Building strategy then please drop me a message.

What is backlink checker?

Backlink checker is a process or tool feature which can help fetch data about all your websites backlink with relevant authority (DA, DR), spam score and other matrices. So, backlink checker can help websites audit your linking profiles.

Amit Saha

Amit Saha is an SEO Analyst, Consultant and Trainer in SEO industry Expertise with more than 5 years of experience.

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